My 18th Letter To You

Dearest Friend,

I thought of you last night and wondered how your resolution is faring. I know you set some big goals for yourself but I worry you put too much pressure on them to have happened by a certain point and time. I have done this before and then been so disappointed and given up when I thought I missed a deadline set only by myself.

Why do we do this to ourselves, I wonder?

It always seems to be around a number. An age. A top job by the time I’m 40. Children by 35. Marriage by 30. A house by 25. It seems we attach an age to a goal not remembering there are many who have just gone on and done their thing at any age. We seem to be so impatient.

I know you are setting some huge goal for yourself but please be patient with your progress. Sometimes success is defined in small ways. By doing things that were once impossible.

  • Stopping smoking
  • Losing weight for health
  • Taking time away from people who aren’t good for you
  • Not hurting yourself.
  • Or it can be even smaller again.

  • Having a shower
  • Making your bed
  • Eating some breakfast
  • Opening the mail.
  • Sometimes it is enough to just be here today. Drinking your tea or coffee. Looking at the trees waving in the wind. Taking a deep breath and knowing that whatever you are feeling, you have felt before and it passed like a cloud. That you are enough right now. You really are, I promise.

    I am here if you wish to write back.

    Be patient. Everything will work out the way it’s meant to.

    Much love,

