For many years I have considered October the month of reckoning. This is the 8th month in the early Roman calendar. The 8th house in astrology is the house of sex, death and taxes. There is always a finality. The bat is the spirit animal of October.
The world seems broken and not even walks and gardening and working too many hours a week can quell the rising anxiety. I could write about Trump or the anger I see on Facebook from people who claim we shouldn’t be locked down anymore. I wonder if they recognise how easily they have lined people up for the death chambers because they want to get their nails done or go to a sporting event? Oh how quickly some forget the Jews lining up for the gas chamber as people looked away more concerned with their own comfort than other’s lives.
My father in law is in hospital. A serious injury. We can’t see him. He is alone and I worry he can’t advocate for himself the way he needs. I ring the nurses. The social workers. We put things into place. It is all done slowly. Everything takes longer in a pandemic. I think about the people with Covid-19 who died alone. No one advocating for them. When we stay at home during this pandemic, we are advocating for them in
People in other states make jokes. Wonder why we aren’t going for more walks. I can only walk in a 5km radius. It is boring. Walking while wearing a mask is stressful and hot. We would rather stay at home.
Everything is bearable when we know it will end. Now we aren’t sure if an end will come and people are giving up. I have seen more cries for help in the last week than ever before. This doesn’t mean I think we should open up immediately. It means that this is hard to bear and awful to miss loved ones and friends.
I miss my friends. I miss my daughter. She is an October baby. Of course, she decided to be late and slip into the cusp of Scorpio. She is a true Scorpio which rules the 8th house. She is the reckoning and the storm. I always said if she wasn’t creating then she was creating chaos. I should have named her Dischordia.

I spoke to my agent yesterday. Always a great chat. We talked about writing and what next. Plans are afoot and I feel relaxed about it all. Nice to have something to look forward to in this chaos.
So there are good things ahead and I know we will survive this because we have survived worse, and we are more resilient than we remember.
Please stay in the moment and stay soft in this hard time.