My 3rd Letter to You

Hello friend,

Today I sat in the sunshine and thought about you and wondered how your Friday was. Friday’s are usually filled with high spirits when I work in offices. People stop pretending they are working from about 3pm, or when the drinks come out to ease us into the weekend.

What do you have planned for the weekend?

There was a little girl walking down the street today, wearing a costume from a Disney musical. I commented on her dress and she shyly twirled for me to show me the full effect. It was marvellous and I thanked her.

I love seeing children wearing costumes in everyday life. A Superman in the supermarket. A Wonder Woman at the Doctor’s surgery. Their rich imagination has meant they truly believe they are in the play or film or world of the characters. Some of us, well, we haven’t left that world yet and why should we, when the world is very rickety at the moment. Imagination is the thing that will save us all.

I have been trying to strengthen my Fiddle Leaf Fig by exercising it, which apparently strengthens it’s trunk. No, I haven’t been taking it for walks. (I knew you would say that!) I just have to replicate the movement from a wind blowing. I am unsure it’s working but I must look odd as I talk to the plant while waving it’s thin trunk back and forth.

How did you go with that thing you didn’t want to do this week. No, I won’t say it’s name, as I know you loathe it, but did you get it sorted? If yes, well done! If not, then there is always next week.

Sometimes the time constraints we place on things aren’t as serious or as dire as we imagine them to be.

Much Love,

