Kate\’s Life Advice

Look in the mirror every day and say there are 7.6 billion of me out there. I am nothing special but I am also nothing to sneeze at.

Sneeze into your elbow or on your closest enemy.

Cure your insomnia by intricately planning the death of your enemy.

Stay present when someone is dying, because the love is as enormous as when someone is born, but it only appears if you wait quietly for it to peek out of the corners of the room. 

Clean your space as a panacea to worry and fear. If your little postage stamp of the world is clean and tidy, then life isn\’t all bad.

Send letters in the post. Read letters while drinking tea.

Let the tea steep for at least five minutes before drinking.

Read tea leaves while writing a letter to a loved one. Tell them good things are coming their way.

Don\’t wait for good ideas to find you, hunt them down. They lurk in dreams, in the shower and while waiting in traffic. Pay attention to the feeling you have when they visit, so you will know when they call again.

Give attention to those who other people step over in life. Children, animals, elderly, creatures of different colours and sizes. Tell them you see them. Ask others to step up, not over them.

Step up to the plate, the stand, the stage, into the spotlight.

Tell the world there are 7.6 billion people in the world but only one of you.

You can change people\’s lives. You have changed people\’s lives. You can create, heal, inspire, serve, assist, comfort, laugh, cry, feed, adore, and love.

Love is to atheists what God is to Christians.

Same, same.

Contentment is better than happiness.

Hate is better than indifference.

Love is better than obsession.

Today is just another day. You can always try to tomorrow.
