Cleaning House Inside and Out

I find it hard to do housework unless I am stressed. This isn’t a good criterion because it means when I am not stressed, I live in a hovel. The only way I can get through the cleaning process when I am in a positive frame of mind is to:

1. Watch YouTube videos on how to clean quickly and efficiently
2. Write a list of what I need to do
3. Look up one-hour cleaning routines
4. Listen to podcast when I do the cleaning


Today I have managed to dust and clean downstairs while learning about Saudi’s and 9/11 and the rise of AI, and which jobs are safe and which aren’t (anyone one who makes money from creativity or from social/emotional intelligence is fine…for now).

Soon, I will head upstairs to do bathrooms while I listen to the New Yorker podcast on why men should read romance novels and the stoic philosophy on a healthy lifestyle.

I have recently stopped smoking. It wasn’t a difficult decision to make since it kills you, and that cigarettes are now $30 a packet. The cravings have been intermittent and bearable and while I am suffering a few yucky side effects it’s manageable since it’s not cancer. Oddly enough my stress levels have gone down since I stopped smoking, hence why I live in a crack-shack at the moment. The idea that you’re stressed and need a cigarette is a furphy.

But I’m not lecturing about smoking. You do you boo, but I’m feeling better and calmer and richer, so that’s a good thing. Maybe you can try it if you are a smoker?

I have also been trying to meditate every morning. I’m sort of doing it but I forget sometimes as I have been spending a lot of time working and thinking of new book ideas.

I have two ideas which are great, and one which is maybe too biographical but could be a cracker if I had the courage to write it.

Have a lovely weekend and let’s chat next week.

