
Knowing Your Worth

Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing. —  Oscar Wilde When I\’m not writing my books or writing business proposals for large companies, I help an international concierge manage the playtime for people with money.  These are people who don\’t have budgets for holidays. They just say where they want to go, for …

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Women\’s Business

Right now we are going through a sexual revolution. Hugh Hefner is dead. Women are calling out their abusers. Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein, Tim Worner, and The President of the United States are a few of the names on the roll call. It’s not easy for women to call them out on their behaviour, and …

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Use your words

When I found out I was pregnant with my son, I rang my friend, The Good Doctor, and asked, what the hell should I know about raising a son? Her answer was the greatest piece of advice for anyone with children. Teach him the words to name his feelings. Argghh! How good is that? How …

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